[ Proteinbar instead of bread ]

Day 3 of the recipes for Sharp Sharp. Many people know me, to be (slightly) obsessed with food, cooking & creating a lot and searching for new flavours. So I am really happy that I joined the food-event, although I felt scared at times and strong at others.

These last few days, I am still feeling overwhelmed, with the nice feedback I got, the inspiring people I met & winning a price. It’s still hard to believe it actually happened, but it does give me more motivation to start doing something with my passion for cooking.

It feels like a dream to do something with Sharp Sharp, so I am busy doing research on how this plan might come to pass. But hey, let’s move on to the recipe ^_^

Dates & Prunes proteinbar


Makes around 10 large bars or 30 small pieces

  • 13 dates (chopped in small pieces)
  • 10 dried prunes
  • 50 gr goji berries
  • 100 ml coconut oil
  • 100 gr sunflower seeds
  • 60 gr pumpkinseeds
  • 4 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • 130 gr hemp seeds
  • 5 tbsp buckwheat oats ( if not GF you can use normal oats)
  • 100 gr grated coconut
  • 4 tbs cacao powder
  • seeds of 1 vanilla bean
  • 3 tsp of ground cardamon

In a bowl mix together the sunflower, pumpkin, chia, poppy & hemp-seeds, oats, coconut, cacao, vanilla, cardamon. Set aside.

Melt the coconut oil in a small bowl on low heat, this makes the mixing process a little bit easier. Than in a blender or kitchen machine add together the dates, prunes, goji berries & coconut oil & mix together until it’s a sticky mixture. Add this dates mixture to the seeds mixture & stir until well combined. I use a Kitchenaid to add these ingredients together, but you can also do this by hand, it takes some kneading time, but it’s worth it ^_^

Cover a baking tin (30 by 20 cm) with paper & pour in the mixture. Make sure to press the mixture down evenly and with pressure. I use a rolling pin or a plate to press down the batter. I sprinkle some extra cardamon powder & seeds on top for extra cardamon flavour before i roll everything down with the rolling pin, this of course is optional.

Set aside in the fridge for around 1 hour & then slice into pieces. Wrap them & store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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