[ News, events & Salads]

I know it’s been rather quit on my blog the past 2 weeks. A lot is going on in my life at the moment, from selling our house, to planning to move abroad & figuring out some health issues. For the last one I had surgery 2 weeks ago, to see if they would finally know what it is, but still no news there, when I know more I will share more details. It’s been a crazy busy, hectic & emotional roller coaster 2 weeks. Anyways, back to fun things & this weeks events & posts.

First with the exciting news, this Saturday I will attend the Rotterdamse Oogst Markt with Sharp Sharp food. Super excited to show people what Sharp Sharp is about & see how they will react to my new recipes. Still making choices, having to choose between making a spicy carrot cake or making ginger curd pies. Hmmmm, hard choices & so less time. What do you guys think about the ideas & which one is more interesting?  More info about the event: Oogstfestival

Then the other news, yesterday me & my lovely bf decided it’s time for another salad challenge. Which means that I started yesterday & will create a new salad recipe everyday. And to make it even an extra challenge, with the veggies & fruits I have at home.

Yesterday we created a salad with strawberries, figs, greens, spring onion, pine-nuts, cucumber, basil & goat cheese. For the dressing we used balsamic vinegar and olive oil. The result you can see on the photo’s. It turned out great, but let’s see what we will create the next 4 days.

The good news for you guys is that you can let me know which salad is the winner & for which one you want met to write down the recipe. So keep you posted the next few days.

Tonight I am planning a tomato salad, with coriander/cumin dressing ^_^

Other exciting news is that I redesigned my website for Sharp Sharp, it’s a new platform for  exciting things that we’re planning. Take a look at:  Sharp Sharp & follow our new Facebook page for Sharp Sharp.

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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