[ Making a frittata with veggies & pesto]

This frittata to me is like preparing lunch for a few days or for quick meal on a day that I don’t feel like cooking. That is why I always have eggs, almond milk & sweet potatoes at home. This recipe is very easy & also very easy to adapt to your own personal taste. I love to make my frittata spicy, so when I make mine I add in a few extra chili peppers.

You can also make other combinations with different spices, vegetables or even crumble some cheese over the frittata. If you don’t want to use pesto, add in some basil & grated parmesan cheese. If you don’t have almond milk at home, you can replace this with regular milk or soy milk.

This week it’s going to be very sunny again, so let’s celebrate, with apricot pistachio ice cream. I will post the recipe this week so we can all taste the sun in our dessert.

Here is a close up from the frittata when sliced into pieces. Have fun with experimenting with frittata recipes.

Vegetabla frittata


  • 1 large sweet potato ( +/- 200 gr)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red chili pepper
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil
  • 2 bell peppers ( red & green)
  • 50 gr of sun dried tomatoes
  • 8 eggs
  • 3 tbsp of almond milk
  • 1 tbsp of pesto
  • salt & pepper

Peel the potato & with a peeler or cheese cutter, slice the potato into small slices, set aside.

Finely chop the onion, chili pepper, sun dried tomatoes, bell peppers & garlic. In a pan on low heat add 2 tbsps of olive oil, then stir fry the onion, chili, garlic & bell peppers. When the vegetables are soft add in the sun dried tomatoes & the potato slices. Stir and mix until evenly cooked & take the pan of the heat and set aside.

Preheat your oven at 175º C.

In a bowl whisk together the eggs, milk, pesto, thyme, cayenne pepper, salt & pepper. When completely mixed set aside. In a oven dish, preferably a glass one, add 1 tbsp of olive oil, then add the potato mixture and divide evenly in the dish. Then pour the egg mixture into the dish & with a fork make sure that the egg also covers the bottom.

Put the frittata in the oven & bake it for 20 minutes or until set.

Let it cool for a bit before you can cut the frittata or put it on a plate. Enjoy!

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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