[ Sharp Sharp! ]

Yep true true, it’s been quite the past weeks here on my blog. I have tons of recipes waiting to be posted to the blog, let alone talk about my promised update with photo’s from South Africa. Soon I promise. ^_^

But first I want to give an update about my new project: Sharp Sharp! I will join the Oogstmarkt Eigengemaakt 2014 on 17-05-2014 in Rotterdam. At the moment I am busy creating a new logo, packaging & of course the recipes for the treats I will serve on this market.

I have a few ideas, will test cooking them the next weeks, but one thing I can already tell you that is that all my treats will have a Sharp aka Spicy edge to them.  And they will be gluten free!

So I will keep you posted about the new logo, the treats & the progress I am making in the following weeks. And be sure to make a note on your calendar for the 17th of may to experience “Sharp Sharp!”.

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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