[ Rooibos tea in your food ]

In februari when I visited South Africa I got to try the rooibos yoghurt they sell in the supermarket. As a huge tea-fanatic I fell in straight away in love with the pure rooibos flavour combined with yoghurt, I had to have it as much as I could. So when I left South Africa I started longing for this yoghurt treat.

Remembering the rooibos cookbook I still had in my book closet, I started looking for rooibos syrup recipes & I found one. Reading through the recipe thinking of ways to tweak it a bit so that it would contain less sugar & more rooibos flavour. To admit I am still not completely happy with the result I am posting the recipe here, soon I will give it another go, but first we have to finish our syrup that we made.

I already experimented a bit with using the syrup instead of maple syrup in oat cookies, which adds a fun twist to your cookies. You can also use the syrup in a salad dressing.

Rooibos Syrup


  • 2 liter water
  • 10 rooibos teabags (= 30 gr loose leaf rooibos)
  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • 250 gr of cane sugar
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence
  • optional 1 used vanilla bean

In a pan mix together water, honey, sugar, lemon & rooibos teabags. If you use loose leaf tea, add the tea to a filterbag and with a small piece of thread close the filterbag. Stir until all ingredients are well mixed.

Leave the mixture to simmer on low heat for about 45 to 60 minutes. You know your syrup is ready ones it becomes thicker & more like a syrup then infusion.

Take out the teabags & add in the vanilla essence & leave to cool. Poor the mixture in a small glass bottle or jar. Store in the fridge. You will have around 300 to 350 ml of syrup.

Optional if you have a used vanilla bean, just the shell without the seeds, add this to your infusion as well, for extra vanilla flavour. I always keep my used vanilla beans to use in infusions or make vanilla sugar.

Rooibos syrup yoghurt


  • 2 tsp of homemade rooibos syrup
  • 100 ml of yoghurt
  • optional lemon juice or cinnamon

Add the syrup to your yoghurt & stir until evenly combined. If you love the combination cinnamon rooibos, add in a pinch of cinnamon. If you find the yoghurt to sweet add in a bit of lemon juice.


Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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