[ The salad from the 5 day salad challenge ]

As you guys remembered I started a salad challenge 2 weeks ago, the challenge meant that I had to create a new salad dish for 5 days in a row with the ingredients I had at home. In the end I decided to post the beetroot salad recipe on the blog, since I found some amazing chard & beetroots at the Rotterdamse Oogstmarkt (farmers market) yesterday & I couldn’t resist the beautiful colours of these veggies.

I truly love this recipe since it feels very earthy, sweet & fresh in one bite. It’s a bit different than I created before, but that was because I wanted to use the chard in this salad instead of spinach, either way both vegetables work great in this dish. This time I also added walnuts, since I wanted to add an extra layer of nutty & earthy flavour to the salad.

It’s a treat to visit a famers market, apart from seeing these amazing fruits, veggies & products grown/made by passionate farmers & with respect for our nature, it also brings me loads of inspiration. This time I bought some chard, baby eggplants, yellow zucchini, mixed tomatoes, strawberries & pears. I can’t wait to create some fun dishes with all these beautiful ingredients. When I am writing this I just finished eating a delicious & colourful stir fry with the chard, baby eggplant & zucchini, soon some photo’s online.

This week you I am planning to make a pie with pears, to celebrate that autumn is here. Keep you posted.

Beetroot dill goat cheese & chard salad


  • 2 beetroots (+/-450 gr)
  • 1 small red onion (75 gr)
  • 75 gr of chard ( can be substituted with spinach)
  • a handful of dill (+/- 15 gr)
  • 75 gr of walnuts
  • 150 gr of goat cheese
  • 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil
  • pepper & salt according to personal taste

Start by slicing the beetroot into thin slices or use a spiralizer if possible & add to a salad bowl. Finely chop the onion & dill and add to the bowl as well. Add the apple cider vinegar, olive oil, pepper & salt and mix to combine.

Slice the leaves & stem of the chard into small pieces & divide over 4 plates. If you don’t have chard you can substitute this with spinach. Plate the beetroot mixture on top of the greens. In the mean time in a small pan heat the walnuts, until they start to brown & become crispy. Divide the walnuts evenly over the 4 plates & last top the plates with the goat cheese & your salad is ready.

If you want to add a bit more sweetness it would be good to add 1 tbsp of honey to your dressing, Enjoy!

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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