[ Making a new chili jam ]

A lovely jam i made last week, chilli mango apricot jam. I am really surprised to find out that there are almost no mango jams on the market.

For a mango crumble I will serve next week on the market, I wanted to use some mango flavoured jam, but no luck finding it. So nothing to do but to create my own.

Here is the recipe:

Mango apricot Chili jam


  • 650 gr Mango (about 2 mango’s)
  • 350 gr Apricots
  • 100 gr sugar ( I used 75 gr of Coconut sugar)
  • 20 gr Pectine
  • 2 red chili pepers

Slice the mango in small pieces & pitt the apricots. Chop the chili into small rings, don’t use the pits otherwise it will be to spicy.  Then mix the mango, apricots, chill & sugar & pectin and cook for 15 to 2o minutes, until ready. Make sure to stir to prevent burning. To see if your jam is ready, test this by dripping some jam on a cold plate, if it’s solid and sticky, it’s ready.

In the mean time sterilize your jars in a pan with boiling water; let it boil for around 5 minutes. Also sterilize the spoons you will use to fill the jars. Let it dry on a clean kitchen towel after boiling & start filling the jars.

When the jars are filled, put them up side down on a wooden board for 15 minutes. Turn them over & let them cool down. This will take up to 3 hours. 

For my personal taste the jam wasn’t spicy enough, so next time i will use the pits of the chili in the jam. Next week you will find the recipe for the mango crumble for which I will use this jam.

P.S. also a small sneak peak into my finished logo for Sharp Sharp! 

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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